Parsing Markdown Documents

Super Editor supports parsing of Markdown documents into Super Editor documents.

To get started with parsing Markdown documents, add the Super Editor Markdown package:

  super_editor: any
  super_editor_markdown: ^0.1.6

Parse a Markdown document by calling the provided global function:

final superEditorDocument = deserializeMarkdownToDocument(markdownText);

Custom Parsing

Super Editor Markdown offers a few options to customize Markdown parsing.

Pre-Configured Syntax

Super Editor Markdown has a concept called MarkdownSyntax, which represents an entire set of syntax preferences. The deserializeMarkdownToDocument() function accepts a MarkdownSyntax.

There are only two options:

  • MarkdownSyntax.superEditor: Standard Markdown syntax, along with a number of custom Markdown syntaxes, including paragraph alignment with notation like :--- for left alignment and :---: for center alignment.
  • MarkdownSyntax.normal: Standard Markdown syntax as defined by the markdown package.

By default, the MarkdownSyntax.superEditor option is used. To restrict parsing to the normal syntax, pass that option into deserializeMarkdownToDocument().

final superEditorDocument = deserializeMarkdownToDocument(
   syntax: MarkdownSyntax.normal,

Encode HTML or Leave Alone

When parsing Markdown text, HTML-based symbols can be converted to HTML escape codes, or not.

For example, when encoding HTML characters, given the following Markdown:

Flutter & Dart are > Android

The parsed output would become:

Flutter & Dart are gt; Android

Using HTML escape codes ensures that non-HTML text isn't treated as HTML.

By default deserializeMarkdownToDocument() doesn't make these conversions.

To automatically convert characters to HTML escape codes, pass true for encodeHtml.

final superEditorDocument = deserializeMarkdownToDocument(
   encodeHtml: true,

Custom Markdown Blocks.

Markdown is sometimes extended with custom block syntaxes. These are non-standard syntaxes, and they're not understood by standard parsers, like the markdown package parser. However, the markdown package parser accepts BlockSyntax objects to parse custom Markdown blocks, and Super Editor Markdown forwards those BlockSyntaxs.

To parse custom Markdown block syntaxes, pass your BlockSyntaxs to deserializeMarkdownToDocument():

final superEditorDocument = deserializeMarkdownToDocument(
   customBockSyntax: [
     const TableSyntax(),

Custom Super Editor Nodes

When parsing custom Markdown syntaxes, you'll need to tell Super Editor Markdown how to convert those syntaxes into Super Editor DocumentNodes. Also, sometimes you might want to deserialize a standard Markdown syntax into a Super Editor configuration that's different from how Super Editor handles that syntax by default.

To customize how Markdown converts into Super Editor documents, provide custom ElementToNodeConverters to deserializeMarkdownToDocument().

final superEditorDocument = deserializeMarkdownToDocument(
   customBockSyntax: [
     const TableSyntax(),
   customElementToNodeConverters: [
     const MarkdownTableToNodeConverter(),