Serializing Super Editor Document to Markdown

Super Editor supports serializing Super Editor documents to Markdown documents.

To get started with serializing Markdown documents, add the Super Editor Markdown package:

  super_editor: any
  super_editor_markdown: ^0.1.6

Serialize a Super Editor document to Markdown document by calling the provided global function:

final markdown = serializeDocumentToMarkdown(superEditorDocument);

Custom Serialization

Sometimes an app uses non-standard Markdown. Super Editor Markdown provides customization control to generate that non-standard Markdown.

Pre-Configured Syntax

Super Editor Markdown has a concept called MarkdownSyntax, which represents an entire set of syntax preferences. The serializeDocumentToMarkdown() function accepts a MarkdownSyntax.

There are only two options:

  • MarkdownSyntax.superEditor: Standard Markdown syntax, along with a number of custom Markdown syntaxes, including paragraph alignment with notation like :--- for left alignment and :---: for center alignment.
  • MarkdownSyntax.normal: Standard Markdown syntax as defined by the markdown package.

By default, the MarkdownSyntax.superEditor option is used. To restrict serializing to the normal syntax, pass MarkdownSyntax.normal into serializeDocumentToMarkdown().

final markdown = serializeDocumentToMarkdown(
  syntax: MarkdownSyntax.normal,

Custom Super Editor Node Converters

Super Editor documents are serialized to Markdown by converting every DocumentNode in the Super Editor document into a block-level Markdown syntax. You might want to convert these nodes to Markdown in a different way, or you might have your own custom DocumentNodes, which require explicit instructions from you about how to turn them into Markdown blocks.

To control how various DocumentNodes serialize to Markdown blocks, provide customNodeSerializers of type DocumentNodeMarkdownSerializer to serializeDocumentToMarkdown:

final markdown = serializeDocumentToMarkdown(
  syntax: [
    const TableNodeToMarkdownConverter(),