Serializing Super Editor to Quill Deltas

Super Editor supports exporting its document to the Quill Delta format. The process of going from a Super Editor document to Quill Deltas is known as "serializing" your Super Editor document.

To get started with serializing Quill documents, add the Super Editor Quill package:

  super_editor: any
  super_editor_quill: ^0.1.0-dev.6

The super_editor_quill package adds an extension method to MutableDocuments, which serializes the document to Quill Deltas.

To serialize your document to Quill Deltas, call toQuillDeltas() on your document:

final MutableDocument mySuperEditorDocument = getMySuperEditorDocument();

final quillDocument = mySuperEditorDocument.toQuillDeltas();

Custom Blocks, Attributes, and Inline Embeds

It's common among Quill use-cases to extend the Quill Delta format to include new types of blocks, attributes, and inline embeds. Super Editor Quill allows you to provide your own such serializers.

Pass your custom serializers to the toQuillDeltas() method:

final quillDocument = mySuperEditorDocument.toQuillDeltas(
  serializers: [
    const MyMathFormulaSerializer(),
    const MyUserTagSerializer(),

Custom Block Serializers

To serialize a Super Editor DocumentNode into a Quill Delta block, implement a DeltaSerializer.

The following hypothetical example implements a Quill serializer for a video block:

class VideoBlockSerializer implements DeltaSerializer {
  const VideoBlockSerializer();
  bool serialize(DocumentNode node, Delta deltas) {
    if (node is! VideoNode) {
      return false;

        "video": node.url,

    return true;

Custom Inline Serializers

Serializing text includes both the serialization of a block (the paragraph), as well as any number of inline attributes (e.g., bold, italic, links). Therefore, there are no standalone inline serializers. Instead, to serialize custom inline attributes, you should extend the existing text serializer.

The following hypothetical example extends TextBlockDeltaSerializer and adds support for a user tag:

class MyAppParagraphSerializer extends TextBlockDeltaSerializer {
  Map<String, dynamic> getInlineAttributesFor(Set<Attribution> superEditorAttributions) {
    // Collect any standard Quill Delta attributes that exist in the current
    // span of text.
    final inlineAttributes = super.getInlineAttributesFor(superEditorAttribions);
    // This hypothetical example assumes that your editor has the concept
    // of a `UserTagAttribution`.
    final userTag = superEditorAttributions.whereType<UserTagAttribution>().firstOrNull;
    if (userTag != null) {
      // This inline span includes a user tag. Configure the Quill Delta attributes
      // based on our custom specifications.
      inlineAttributes['tag'] = {
    return inlineAttributes;

Custom Inline Embeds

Currently, Super Editor doesn't support the concept of inline widgets, which means there's no structure that would yield inline embeds. Therefore, no support currently exists for serializing inline embeds.

In the future, when Super Editor adjusts the definition of AttributedText to support inline non-text content, super_editor_quill will be updated, accordingly.